Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fighting ISIS with Multiple Intelligences

After reading Scott Atrum's article in the Guardian  it convinced me, even more about the importance of building strong, emotionally connected mentoring relationships with outr children as they become teens. Guardian

Mr. Atrum speaks regarding the ISIS strategy to entice our kids into thinking positively and purposely using their disgruntled teen angs against them. Getting them to see themselves as serving the greater good by joining terrorism ranks. It is time we in the Western world fight back.

Fighting back however can not take place via lectures or shoulds from parental anger or frustration. Rather we help them by connecting them to their own identity. We can only do this by connecting them to their own heart-felt, inner desires.

This suggest we teach them to recognize their own beliefs, abilities, passion, and purpose. We do this by introducing them to their own MI. Here is some information.

Multiple Intelligence the Basics

Multiple Intelligences (Seven Frames of Mind)

Dr Howard Gardner is the person who is best known for this theory. In his opinion all people are intelligent. Most parents will see their child’s tendency for intelligence early in life. Children tend to show how they learn instinctively. Does your child, talk endlessly; are they constantly trying to figure out how things work, are they airways doing some for of physical activity? They are showing you their propensity for intelligence. In our culture the tendency is to value only those who have a head for language or logical intelligence. Dr. Gardner has stated that the school system is set up to value these types of learning. This can be a dangerous attitude for our children. Many children do just fine in school. However, we need to recognize that not everyone has the ability to be a straight A student. Some people need to work harder to learn because in school using verbal and  logical forms of intelligence is the norm. We need to encourage all learning types. So that we can recognize the obvious intelligence of a person like Dr. Phil who is very intellectual and verbal; and also value the intellectual ability of Thomas Kincaid “the’ painter of lights”; two obviously successful men with two very different forms of Intelligence.

According Dr. Gardner there are eight forms of Intelligence they are as follows:

Linguistic - Word
Logical/Mathematical - Numerical/Measuring
Spatial- Picture
Body Kinesthetic- Physical/Hands-on
Musical- Rhythm/Sounds/Music
Interpersonal- People Knowledge/Takling
Intrapersonal - Self Knowledge/Introspective
Naturalist- Nature/Outdoors

Each of these intelligences is important to various career and personal goals or ambitions. However, all of us are gifted with some of each. The idea is to see and use the predominate form of intelligence in each of us. The way to do this is to focus on the strength of each area. The following information gives some examples.

Linguistic uses words or language to learn. The process of learning involves lots of words both spoken and written.
A person with linguistic intelligence might be a voracious reader.

Logical-Mathematical uses logic or numbers to learn. These people primarily need to find the logic or numeral use. A logical-mathematical person may like puzzles or to discover why something works.

Spatial leaning involves being able to see a vision of the learning. These people use design, pictures, and other artistic means. A person with spatial intelligence may learn by drawing an image of their understanding of the information.

Body Kinesthetic learns mainly through hands-on and concrete methods. This person needs to see, taste, hear, smell and interact with concepts to learn them. A person with body kinesthetic intelligence benefits from doing activities they can be involved in a physical way.

Music learning involves using sounds or rhythms to learn. These folks learn through the creation of music, sounds, and rhythmic patterns. A person with this kind of learning may need to place information into song or rhythmic pattern to get an understanding.

Intrapersonal learning involves relating the information through self-reflection. This person may need quiet time to reflect on how this information fits into his or her own personal world.

Interpersonal learning involves interaction with others.
This person may need to discuss the information with others or be involved in a group project.

Naturalist learning involves outdoor or nature involved learning. This person may need to be involved in an outdoor activity or an environmental project to fully understand the information.

When individuals figure out what they are good at and enjoy it is easier to find passion and,purpose from within. Those who have this,are less likely to accept someone else's idea of purpose as their own. This combined with living authenticity can become powerful weapons in keeping ISIS from recruiting western teens to their cause!